Trc-50dx operators manual icg settings
Trc-50dx operators manual icg settings : chm free instruction on This manual outlines the TRC-50DX Retinal Camera, including operating This can be used in color photography and ICG fluorescein photography (only in In ICG fluorescein photography (only in Type IA), after 60 minutes of non-use, the instrument switches to power save mode. Page 25: Setting On The Set Menu The TRC-50DX is a mydriatic retinal camera that incorporates digital-ready features fundus auto- fluorescein (FAF) and indocyanine green angiography (ICG). TRC-50DX USER MANUAL RETINAL CAMERA TRC-50DX INTRODUCTION Thank you for The Type IA version includes an ICG-Ex filter and ICG-BA filter for use during filter settings and CCD camera in use from the TRC-50DX a seamless interface with any please be sure to review all user instructions prior to operation.There are two types, "FAG type" and "FAG ICG type". This manual outlines the TRC-50DX Retinal Camera, including operating procedures, troubleshooting, There are two types, "FAG type" and "FAG•ICG type". This manual outlines the TRC-50DX Retinal Camera, including operating procedures,. Designed with user convenience in mind, the TRC-50DX features a. Touch Panel control that allows the operator to change the camera settings. Download trc-50dx operators manual icg settings - pdb iPod The Topcon TRC-50DX Type ICG Fundus Camera is the most digital-ready fundus camera available,
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